
Jasmine wafts in through

The open windows

A cardinal sits in a tree

The open page on my desk

Cries out again and again

To be filled

Rain starts to fall

Stifles the bird’s song

Trapped, caught in her mouth

Spring is yet to come

written – 2/14/2023

Lavenders in the Breeze

The fragrance of you
In my mind inescapable.
The wind carries you to me,
Lavenders in the breeze.
In an instant transported
Back against your chest
Arms wrapped around
The last time I truly felt
Contentment in who I am.
Left alone, no more lavender,
The dark doubts creep in
Whispering their words once more
You should not be.
But I am.
And I will continue to be
Because one day, once again,
The wind will bring you
Back to me.


I just started learning After Effects yesterday so this really simple animation is from my first session in the program. I plan on adding more effects to it over time as I become more proficient in it. Until then, enjoy and feel free to leave any helpful hints and tips.