Lock yourself away

Lock yourself away in a room
For a day, a week, or even two.
Would you exit just the same you came,
Or find yourself someone new?

written – 7/28/2017

Is that all there is?

Nothing was ever so disappointing

As realizing one thing.

I look around the world and think –

Is that all there is?

All the stories I’d been told,

Lies upon lies upon lies,

To hide the truth we all come to know –

This is all there is.

A sad disappointing world we cover up with stories,

A great many stories we never stop telling

So we don’t remember the truth we all come to know –

This is all there is.

Stories of wolves and dragons,

Stories of lives and loves,

Stories to trick us into thinking –

There is more than there is.

But these stories are all lies.

There may be princesses and princes,

There may be wolves and dragons,

But there isn’t more than this.

So, I listen to all the different stories,

To forget a sad, disappointing world

for a moment.

But the one thing I cannot forget thinking –

Is that all there is?

written – 4/2/2018

Like a thief in the night

Like a thief in the night,

She stole my gun and my life.

Made off with the bag I stole –

Left alone in the motel –

The Spirit parked outside the front door

My vault sitting empty and busted.

written – 2/22/2023

An old Lake

Sparkles in the sun, a shimmer

Ripples in the lake’s current.

Three individual geese alight

Alone toward their separate destinations

Silent reflections gliding underneath

Their path determined by chance

For some consider life a game.

But Nature never deals favorites

Or at least she wants you to think.

written – 4/27/2023

A Lie Beautiful?

Eyes of smoke and stars,

The Magician stands atop the world

Casually cruel, only time will tell

If it’s to be kind or no?

Dazzling the world with a show,

The Assistant trapped in a box

Waiting for the chop, chop, chop.

A trick to please the audience,

But the Magician underestimates,

Miscalculates the audience’s intelligence.

The mistake of one so disconnected

From the truth of reality so

Long have they stood upon the stage

Together and forgotten what it’s like

To sit and watch from the cheap seats.

written – 2/07/2023


Jasmine wafts in through

The open windows

A cardinal sits in a tree

The open page on my desk

Cries out again and again

To be filled

Rain starts to fall

Stifles the bird’s song

Trapped, caught in her mouth

Spring is yet to come

written – 2/14/2023

Aerial Assault

I can feel the beat pounding

The waves lapping against the shore

Aerial assaults dive bombing

My fortress remains standing

A little battered and bruised but

The foundation remains intact

No ships were sunk in the fray.

written – 1/11/2023

Winter’s Night

You come and go as you please

Lying beside me in the earth

Bright the light of ours shines

Weary you are to be

Dazzling kaleidoscopes

Meant to distract away

Bright and quiet the noise you make

I see you clear in Mid-Summer’s Day

From within, you are illuminated

but try so hard to hide your light

Lies and truths intermingled

Oh so cold is winter’s night.


I can feel it sitting there

In the deep, dark pit of me

My story…or maybe stories

Trying to claw themselves free.

I push them down and down

And still they struggle to get out

Free from the darkness

That has trapped them so long

They fight up and out

Into the light for the first time

A few wobbly steps later

They stand tall, breathe, and live.

look closely enough

Look closely enough at something

It disappears

In its place, formless

A void of what was

What might have been

Look closely enough at something

Stay blind

To the beautiful forms

All around

Step back and look

Listen and see

Be surprised by all that is


Amazing accidents in Life to be found

Lavenders in the Breeze

The fragrance of you
In my mind inescapable.
The wind carries you to me,
Lavenders in the breeze.
In an instant transported
Back against your chest
Arms wrapped around
The last time I truly felt
Contentment in who I am.
Left alone, no more lavender,
The dark doubts creep in
Whispering their words once more
You should not be.
But I am.
And I will continue to be
Because one day, once again,
The wind will bring you
Back to me.